Students Speak

IFE is clear that their program is offering the student a chance to step out of their comfort zone, be an outsider, and have the privileged experience of being able to immerse yourself completely in another way of life.

Katharine Daly (Kady). History, Spanish

IFE opened the door to new opportunities and experiences that have propelled my personal, academic, and professional growth. The program is dedicated to preparing students for career opportunities in French-speaking environments, making the transition as seamless as possible, all while helping students explore the city they’re studying abroad in!

Zoe, French, Linguistics

IFE was hands down the best decision I made while in college. I would gladly do it again! It sounds cliche or trite, but this program truly changed my life and I am so thankful to the staff for creating such a wonderful, unique experience.

Clare. French, Political Science

I feel deeply touched to be writing this recommendation for Kate; I did the IFE program [a few years ago]. The program changed my life, and it is the reason I am where I am now, writing this faculty reference.

Amber. French, History

The best professional, educational and personal experience you could ask for! If I could have done IFE for every semester of university I would have! The experience challenged me intellectually, personally, and, of course, linguistically. But this challenge coupled with the incredible support of the IFE staff created a learning environment that allowed me to grow and achieve things I never thought I was capable of.

Lily. Anthropology, English, French

IFE provides a safe environment for students, and supports them through all aspects of living abroad beyond the academics. The staff and professors genuinely care about you.

Jessica. French, Communications

Had it not been for the faculty and support I received [at IFE], I would not have been able to define my academic and professional goals after college. The program's strong academic rigor and passionate faculty and staff pushed me beyond my intellectual horizon with the classes and final thesis with an expert all the while completing an internship with a local organization.

Hugh. Economics

I knew I wanted to be fully immersed into the country and culture where I was studying but that meant knowing more French than I was comfortable with at the time. I was nervous about throwing myself into an internship where that would be the only language I could speak. I was also concerned I wouldn't know anybody with. Neither of these turned out to be an issue. My lack of fluency was remedied by the workshops and practice conversations. And because I didn't know anyone, I was forced to know everyone and now I have close friends all over the world.

Aine. French, Journalism