Internship placements

The heart of an IFE semester is a mission-focused internship, in Spanish, with an organization, university or company located in the Asturias region, matching the student-intern's studies and goals.

Asturias students during their internships: Gijón Chamber of Commerce / Local bookstore / Biochemistry laborator

"I did my internship at the People's Museum of Asturias, where I worked principally with the documentalist who archives everything that the museum collects, and also does work with the exhibitions the museum creates. I'm a History and Spanish joint major at my school, so I learned further about the regional history of Asturias and was able to further my knowledge of Spanish history. I'm also interested in working in museums when I'm older, so I was able to explore that career path further with this internship."

Kady. History, Spanish

The Region of Asturias and Gijon offer a complete range of placement possibilities. Gijon is a diverse city, where student-interns can get involved in politics, business, social affairs, cultural organizations, environmental action, European affairs, and other areas.

In the internationally recognized laboratories of the University of Oviedo, IFE's students become research interns in all science fields, as well as in the social sciences.

Asturias is a dynamic Spanish region whose economy features large companies as well as many startups and small firms. Cultural activity ranges from promotion of Asturian traditions to contemporary music and film festivals. Nature conservation, sustainability, and biodiversity are themes that mobilize many actors in the region.